Sunday, April 29, 2007

Wolfowitz - A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

The Wolfowitz scandal seems to have brought the World Bank into limelight. The board led by the european union wants the current president of the world bank to step down amidst the scandal.
Wolfowitz is accused of giving a promotion and a huge raise to his girl friend Shaha Riza.
Shaha Riza, a Libyan born and brought up in Saudi, is a big advocate of the female rights. As per Time magazine, she shares the American passion in spreading democracy in the Middle-East.
Paul Wolfowitz, an American has been of the opinion of striking and eradicating a threat before it becomes a threat. He was a strong supporter of the War in Iraq. It is speculated that he was made as the President of the World Bank by the White House as an award to his contribution to the War on Terror.
It is also told that the relationship between them pre-dated his joining the World Bank. The world bank has a rule that a couple cannot work in the bank together or people dating each other cannot be in each others chaing of reportee. This would've been a conflict of intrest to Shaha and hence the external assignment.

Now back to the scandal, after Wolfowitz became the president of the world bank, Shaha was put on an external assignement with the US State Department with a huge raise and promotion and was routed thr' the ethics committe. The then chairman however says that the committee was not aware of her previous salary and the extent of raise.
This is also backed by the employees of the bank who seem to have been averse to Wolfowitz style of management.
American backed journalism however advocates that the middle management is percepting a threat from some of the new initiatives started by Wolf including anti-corruption drives. The White House is backing Wolfowitz. This couldn't have been more ill timed as the US President is also being crushed on the War on Iraq and the time table to bring back the Amrican troops. The African continent seems to be supporting Wolfowitz, for his keeness to help Africa (or maybe driven by the White House), while the European Union and the Nordic countries which are promoters of the bank want him to step down.
The White House is also seeing this as a threat to the US. As the biggest share holder, the president of the United States has been always been choosing the president of the World bank and it now seems that they might want to bring in a non US president to cool down the storm. The EU is also showing it's dominance and is being percieved as a hostile behavior by the US.
Wolfowitz has hired a lawyer with international reputation to take him out of this hell hole. The coming weeks should give more clarity into the issue as the board of directors would be deciding on the fate of Wolfowitz.

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